Calluses and Corns Q&A

Corns and Calluses in Children: Care Instructions

First, ensure that your child is wearing comfortable footwear that fits fine, and leaves some space. This is because friction and rubbing contribute to the development of the corn and callus, resulting in pain. Next, use a pad to cushion the affected area, following up with over-the-counter remedies, like salicylic acid. To directly treat the corn or callus, soak the feet in lukewarm water for 15-20 minutes, this will soften the skin. Follow up with a pumice stone that will rub the dead skin away. To avoid cracking or bleeding, moisturize your child’s feet regularly and continue with washing their feet daily.

How to get rid of lumps on my finger?

Firstly, let’s identify what these lumps are. These lumps are often referred to as calluses or corns. But how do you know which one you have? They are fairly easy to tell apart. Calluses are larger and will appear in the palm of your hand. Corns, however, are small and painful when they come into contact with a surface. The lumps are likely calluses, since corns are uncommon on the hands.

How to get rid of calluses on your feet overnight?

Using vaseline or a moisturizer that will cover the callus overnight allows the skin to soften, which can then be removed easily. This is because calluses are hard and rough, so ideally, getting the skin to soften is the first step in removing calluses. Depending on how severe calluses are, they may take days and multiple treatments to get rid of. It’s not always going to be treated overnight. Upon getting rid of a callus, you should follow up with moisturizing and washing your feet regularly.

Is it bad to peel off calluses?

Peeling off a callus is not a good idea, as it can result in further complications. You may experience sharp pain and irritation because of the sensitive skin beneath. This can further lead to bacterial infections. Instead, soaking the callus in warm water for at least ten minutes and using a pumice stone is recommended to remove calluses instead of peeling them. Within weeks of using the pumice stone, the callus will be removed completely.

How can callused hands and feet be made soft again?

The fastest way for your callused hands and feet to be made soft again is by soaking them in water for at least ten minutes, as mentioned above. The skin softens in the water, and then you are able to rub away the deadened skin with a pumice stone. You can also apply petroleum jelly (such as Vaseline) and leave it on overnight. This is a long process in comparison to the first suggestion, but it doesn’t require reapplication throughout the night, whereas you have to actively repeat the use of the pumice stone.

What are the ways to get rid of foot corns?

Doctors are able to trim away at the deadened and excess skin using a scalpel. It is not recommended to do this by yourself because using the scalpel incorrectly may develop infections. To prevent corns from recurring, doctors recommend getting customized-orthotic shoes that will prevent further infections from developing. By doing this, the distribution of weight across your foot can be corrected, and you won’t have to worry about getting corns again.

How to effectively treat an infected callus on my foot?

To treat an infected callus, the first step is to change up your footwear. This means you should consider getting shoes with a wide-toe box if you have not done so already to prevent further infections and recurring calluses. There are callus pads that contain salicylic acid, which will help relieve irritation and pain. Always keep the area clean to avoid bacterial infections. This means you should be washing your feet regularly. Seeing a doctor helps in removing the callus by removing dead skin. In rare cases, surgery may be required to treat calluses. Overall, with proper treatment at home, wearing the right shoes, and seeing a doctor for the infected callus collectively will be the most effective method of treating the callus.

Are there any side effects of using salicylic acid?

Salicylic acid is not good in large amounts for callused feet. The acid can break through your skin, which causes irritation. Additionally, applying salicylic acid to the surrounding skin that is fine can damage it. Applying more salicylic acid does not help remove the calluses faster, rather, it increases your chances of side effects. Side effects include dry skin, swelling, and redness of the skin, itching, and stinging skin. Be careful when utilizing salicylic acid. Do not let it come into contact with the face. Consult your doctor before using this product.

What causes an infected callus on the foot?

A callus can worsen and become infected if the proper treatment is not sought. Wearing the same uncomfortable footwear without seeking treatment or changing up the shoes can result in an infection. Bacteria may also surround the callus as a result of the cutting or shaving of the skin, which can worsen the pain and lead to an infection. Smoking has also been shown to increase the chances of a callus being infected. The key to avoiding infections is to maintain a healthy lifestyle and take care of your body.

Taking care of your feet means:

  • Wearing comfortable shoes
  • Moisturizing them regularly
  • Washing your feet, especially after prolonged periods of physical activity
  • Trimming your toenails, as long toenails may result in deformities due to the limited space at the front of your shoes

Getting to the Bottom of Common Foot Problems

All foot problems have a lot more common causes than you might think. Other foot conditions can stem from problems or deformities you currently have. For example, if you have bunions, you may be prone to developing hammertoes. However, the biggest culprit of developing foot conditions is by not investing in the proper footwear. Any uncomfortable footwear contributes to the deformities in the feet. Additionally, having footwear that does not distribute weight equally leads to strain in bones, joints, and parts of the feet, which can also cause foot conditions to develop.

Health conditions and lifestyles also influence how prone we are to developing common foot problems. Having obesity and diabetes also contributes to foot conditions because of the excessive weight on the feet. It’s important to consult a pedorthist on the types of shoes you are wearing. Orthotic clinics can customize shoes that are both comfortable and classy.

Book a Footwear consultation at Mobility on Mainway in Burlington to help prevent foot conditions from occurring. Call 289-245-6624 or email

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