What are some tips for running more efficiently?
For some, running creates an endorphin rush and for others it helps to attain fitness and body image goals. When you can’t run anymore and you depend on it, it could also wreak havoc on your feelings of joy and accomplishment. If you have to stop running because of injuries due to poor biomechanics or footwear, here are a few simple tips and tricks to stay healthier and run longer.
- Stretch and get loose before you run: it is always best to start with a short walk to warm up your muscles before you stretch. The walk is in essence considered a pre-stretch so that your muscles are pliable and stretch easier.
- Avoid inclement weather to prevent slipping or falling: yes, this seems like a no-brainer doesn’t it?
- See Mobility on Mainway’s Athletic Therapist for a biomechanical gait assessment and advice on the right shoe for your foot type.
What are the best running shoes?
- Getting the right shoe is important. Every shoe has different characteristics and every foot has a unique type. Matching your foot type to the correct shoe model is critical.
- The right support in your shoes is also important. Orthotics are an easy way to increase the amount of support in the shoe. When you run, 3-4 x your body weight of force goes through your feet, therefore the support is critical.
- It is important to have the right combination of shoe and orthotic support. For example, if you overpronate then a neutral shoe like the Asics Nimbus with an orthotic would work well to get you cushioning as well as support. It may be overkill if you wore a pronation control shoe with an orthotic in addition.
Can I still run with heel spurs/plantar fasciitis?
Heel pain is so debilitating. The pain in your heels first thing in the morning usually goes away after you have been on your feet a little. Sometimes it comes back at the end of the day. If you have plantar fasciitis, you should rest and ice your feet and wear orthotics in your running shoes. If you’re suffering from Plantar Fasciitis, our team of award-winning Chiropodists, Athletic Therapists, and Pedortists, can help you to regain the function of your foot. We offer several Plantar Fasciitis Treatment options to get you back on your feet.
How to run with flat feet?
- Orthotics will help support your flat feet so that you still run and enjoy all the benefits it gives you.
- Are you thinking of good substitutes for running? Mobility on Mainway’s favourite recommendation is: walking on a treadmill at a good pace and increasing the incline. This still helps you get your heart rate up and builds muscle endurance with less chance of injury.
What is the best running shoe for Morton’s Neuroma?
A metatarsal pad inside the shoe with a toe spring will help the Neuroma. Stay away from super flat or zero drop running shoes if you have a Morton’s Neuroma.
At the first sign of foot or ankle pain, come in and see Mobility on Mainway’s Pedorthist and Chiropodist so that your gait can be assessed and your footwear checked for function and fit.
Are you looking for BETTER or the RIGHT Running Shoes? Make an appointment and our Pedorthist and Chiropodist can help you to find the right shoe. We have a large selection of running shoes that you can try and take home! Call us at 289-245-6624 to book an appointment.